Informácie o pracovnom mieste
Miesto práce: Dvořákovo nábrežie 10, Bratislava, Slovakia
Mzdové podmienky (brutto):
Od 1500.00 € / mesiac
finálna úroveň základnej zložky mzdy závisí od skúseností a znalostí kandidáta*
Termín nástupu: by agreement
Druh pracovného pomeru: full-time
Jazyk: English
Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti
Náplň práce
Our work in the Financial Risk Management team is not only interesting and varied, but it's also high profile. With the current economic climate and in a world of increasing complexity, clients are focusing ever more closely on risk issues and how to address it.
We help our clients solve business problems by developing tailored and pragmatic solutions that make a meaningful and positive difference. It's become an area of high priority, change and growth within KPMG too. The work we do helps to make Financial Services safer and protects clients and their customers. This is what makes this an endlessly fascinating area for new graduate joiners.
Our graduates programme gives you the chance to build your experience and develop your expertise in risk management across the entire financial sector, as part of our 'learn for a lifetime' philosophy.
You will be responsible for various task connected to:
- Evaluation of credit risk policies, models and model validations;
- Designing, improving and validating credit risk models;
- Providing advisory to local and international clients regarding credit risk policies and model development;
- Providing advisory to local and international clients on specific and complex accounting issues related to financial instruments;
- Supports the audit teams of local and international, both financial institutions and corporate clients, with focus on measurement of expected credit losses, assessment of impairment policies and credit risk models.
Iné výhody
Join our dynamic team of experts and enthusiasts and enjoy a range of KPMG benefits designed to make your work-life balance exceptional:
• Hybrid Work Model: Enjoy the flexibility of working both from the office and remotely.
• Career Growth: Unlock endless opportunities for career advancement within our international company.
• Learning Programs: Boost your career with access to learning programs and earn financial rewards for completing professional certifications.
• Flexible Benefits: Customize your perks with our KPMG4You cafeteria system, offering contributions towards health, shopping, sports, culture, or education.
• Meal Contributions: We fully cover your financial meal voucher expenses, even during your vacation!
• Summer Short Fridays: Kickstart your weekends early with half-day Fridays during the summer.
• Holiday Break: Enjoy a closed office during Christmas with two extra days of paid leave.
• Recovery Days: Take three days per year to recharge when you’re not feeling your best.
• Volunteering Opportunities: Make a difference with our volunteering activities and get two days off for CSR initiatives.
• Access to MultiSport Card: Stay active with access to various sports facilities.
• Wellbeing Program: Benefit from free health checks, workplace massages, office breakfasts, fresh fruit, teambuilding, workshops, and sports activities.
• Employee Assistance Program: Access free psychological counseling for you and your family members.
• Buddy Program: Get support from an experienced colleague to help you settle in.
• Tech Perks: Receive a notebook and mobile phone with data for private use.
• Corporate Discounts: Enjoy exclusive discounts with our partners like KIA, SND, Raj Zdravia, MMG Barbers, BeBe Hair, Union, Qawa coffee and bistro, and more.
• Referral Rewards: Earn financial rewards for recommending candidates who get hired.
• Birthday and Christmas Gifts: Celebrate your special days with small but thoughtful gifts from us.
Požiadavky na zamestnanca
As a new member of our team you:
- are a fresh university graduate, ideally with a focus on statistics, mathematics or economics,
- are interested in quantitative models and risk modelling,
- can code in or are willing to learn the R or other programming language,
- English language – advanced (B2),
- German language is an advantage but not a must,
- MS Excel – advanced.
Inzerujúca spoločnosť
Spoločnosť KPMG pôsobí na slovenskom trhu už od roku 1991. Za ten čas sme si vybudovali rozsiahlu sieť klientov, medzi ktorých patria malé a stredne veľké slovenské spoločnosti, korporácie, organizácie štátnej a verejnej správy a súkromní investori zo všetkých hlavných priemyselných odvetví. Dnes máme na Slovensku viac ako 450 zamestnancov, ktorí poskytujú široký rozsah profesionálnych služieb v oblasti auditu, daní, právnych služieb a poradenstva.
Spoločne vytvárame hodnoty, ktorým veríme, napredujeme, napĺňame výzvy, ktoré sme si stanovili, pracujeme s nadšením a s cieľom budovať dôveru našich ľudí, partnerov a klientov. Značka KPMG je výnimočná, spája v sebe silu odborných znalostí, inovatívneho myslenia a prosperity. Vytvárame motivujúce pracovné prostredie, spolupracujeme s komunitami a podporujeme spoločenskú zodpovednosť.