Informácie o pracovnom mieste

Miesto práce: Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Mzdové podmienky (brutto):
Od 1500.00 € / mesiac
finálna úroveň základnej zložky mzdy závisí od skúseností a znalostí kandidáta*

Termín nástupu: By agreement

Druh pracovného pomeru: full-time

Jazyk: English

Náplň práce, právomoci a zodpovednosti

Náplň práce

The Valuation department represents a stable backbone to the KPMG M&A product portfolio. It is all about understanding what makes a company valuable and interpreting critical financial details. It's about systematic work and expertise. We are looking for a new colleague to our team, for whom valuations are not something completely new. Someone who is really interested in valuations and wants to growth and improve in this particular area. The best candidates have the opportunity to join to our team throughout the year, as we are continuously looking for talent when we see it. Our sector focus varies project to project. One week you might be preparing a technological firm’s financial plan for an expansion into Asia, the next you might be reviewing a multi-million real estate investment.

The analyst position generally involves:
- Preparation: You communicate internally and with the Client to narrow down and design your valuation assignment (time spent mostly reading and in Outlook).
- Supervised technical work (Excel & Bloomberg / capitalIQ terminals).
- Analysis: You review the feasibility and accuracy of projections.
- Modelling: You build data into a standardized model.
- Conclusion: You report your findings and additional analyses into an internal memo or a custom-built valuation (Word & Excel).

Iné výhody

What we can offer you:
- Financial support for training (ACCA, CFA).
- The opportunity to participate in foreign internships.
- Hybrid model of working (home office & office).
- Opportunity to be part of CSR projects + 2 days for CSR activities and volunteering.
- MultiSport card, Wellbeing Program and psychological support and counselling for employees and family members.
- Team building activities and Buddy program (support of a senior colleague).
- Notebook a mobile phone with data also for private purposes.
- Corporate discounts by patners (e.g. KIA, BeBe Hair, Union and others).
- Financial reward for recommending a new colleague.

Požiadavky na zamestnanca

As a new team member you should have:
- Master's or Engineering degree, ideally in Accounting, Finance or Business (at the time of starting work).
- English language – upper intermediate (B2) and Slovak language – proficiency (C2).
- Microsoft Excel – expert, Microsoft Outlook and Word – advanced.
- Structured analytical & critical thinking.
- Inner will to grow professionally.

Inzerujúca spoločnosť


Spoločnosť KPMG pôsobí na slovenskom trhu už od roku 1991. Za ten čas sme si vybudovali rozsiahlu sieť klientov, medzi ktorých patria malé a stredne veľké slovenské spoločnosti, korporácie, organizácie štátnej a verejnej správy a súkromní investori zo všetkých hlavných priemyselných odvetví. Dnes máme na Slovensku viac ako 400 zamestnancov, ktorí poskytujú široký rozsah profesionálnych služieb v oblasti auditu, daní, právnych služieb a poradenstva.
Spoločne vytvárame hodnoty, ktorým veríme, napredujeme, napĺňame výzvy, ktoré sme si stanovili, pracujeme s nadšením a s cieľom budovať dôveru našich ľudí, partnerov a klientov. Značka KPMG je výnimočná, spája v sebe silu odborných znalostí, inovatívneho myslenia a prosperity. Vytvárame motivujúce pracovné prostredie, spolupracujeme s komunitami a podporujeme spoločenskú zodpovednosť.